3-channel video installation,2018
"Eating, Digesting, Eliminating", is a multi-channel video installation, I project three different looping videos onto three separate large-scale screens, the screens hang in such a way that, if they are to extend towards both sides, they would make a perfect triangle. Yet I leave the three corners open, inviting the viewers to enter into the center of the screens, thus confronting images and soundtracks from three pairs of speakers. Speakers placed behinds each screen, they constructed a stereo soundtrack in the space, with low-frequency sound effects to add vibration towards audiences. Viewer's experience is forced to de-centered by the placement of screens, they choose their own perception of narratives from ongoing videos, fulfilled with intense experiences with images and sounds.
"Eating, Digesting, Eliminating" is a three-layered story about three aspects and stages of the human mind. It contains saturated color images and unconscious symbolic images, compressing the three-dimensional world into two dimensional flat images, performer acted out the fantasy with other's expected desires. Images are driven by the psychological transforming trajectory from outer self to inner self-consciousness. Dealing with the issue of the processing procedure of emotions inhabits in the mind and against the objectivity of women through daily small rebellion. The contents of this works exist in between of childhood and adulthood, bring uncanny and beautiful visual experiences by the setting of the work itself.
Installation View
Single Channel Video,Digital, 12:44min, 2018